
The article’s objective is to analyze the data of an empirical study of the dynamics of students’ professional and life values during their tuition at a higher education institution (HEI). The main tasks are related to the search for determinants that determine the dynamics and differences in professional and life values of modern students from the first to the fourth year. Methods: general scientific research methods: analysis of scientific periodicals and monographs, systematization of scientific sources, comparison and generalization of data, as well as psychodiagnostic methods. Results. There is no consensus in the definition of “value”. This concept covers the cultural, social and personal significance of the phenomena and facts of the surrounding reality. The set of values determines the semantic component of the orientation of the individual and is the basis of his attitude to the real world, to others, to himself. The results of the empirical study revealed differences in professional and life value orientations and motivational sphere of students-psychologists and students-mathematicians, which are as follows: – as significant in the values and accessibility of first-year psychology students prevails: love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one), self-confidence (absence of internal contradictions, various doubts), freedom as autonomy in actions and deeds, well-being, happy family life. As for fourth-year psychology students, they are dominated by: active life, cognition (the prospect of expanding the range education, outlook, general culture, and intellectual development), as well as self-confidence (absence of internal contradictions) and freedom as independence in actions and deeds; – significant values and accessibility for first-year mathematics students were: interesting work, the beauty of nature and art, love, materially secure life and freedom as independence in actions. Fourth-year mathematics students are dominated by active life, confidence and freedom as independence in deeds and actions. Conclusions. There are differences in the professional and life values of psychology students and mathematics students. We believe that they are stipulated to the different levels and content of professional knowledge and skills that students acquire while studying in a higher education institution, age characteristics, level of professional training and specifics of professional orientation.


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