Keywords: emotional ties, family values, psychological well-being, family.


Purpose ‒ is to study the influence of emotional ties in family relationships on development of children’s psychological well-being. Methods ‒ observations, inquiries of parents and children, playing diagnostic tasks, methods of associativesensual focus-reconstruction of experiences of life stories of an individual. Results ‒ results are presented of the empirical study of impact of emotional ties in the system of family relations on the psychological well-being development. Family relations are considered in the context of relationship between parents and children, as conditions for the psychological well-being development. The factors are analyzed of destruction of these ties, which create obstacles in the psychological well-being development. Peculiarities and tendencies are revealed of emotional ties of a modern young couple. Influence is found of manifestation of psychological defenses of the spouses on creation of obstacles in the psychological well-being development of a child. Conclusions. Summarizing manifestations of emotional ties of parents and children, importance was determined of communication in the family circle for a preschool child. Factors were identified that become obstacles to the psychological well-being development of a child. Among factors of the psychological wellbeing destruction of an individual were identified as follows: desire for maximum commitment of the partner in interaction (which destroys relationships with others), which violates personal boundaries of another person; inability to regulate own ambivalence of emotions and desires; fears of losing emotional intimacy in existing relationships (anxiety and guilt), which originates mechanisms of psychological protection of an individual; inability to change strategies for maintaining emotional ties in relationships: displacement, rationalization, projection in situations of own internal conflicts; lack of congruence in the relationship of an individual with other persons; strategy of manipulating power in the relationship between parents; lack of hierarchy in the interaction of family members of parents and children; repetition of old behavioral strategies, inability to renew them.


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