Keywords: professionalization, archetype, model, image, self, factor, activity, strength, evaluation.


Purpose. To acquaint with the methods and results of the study of the dynamics of archetypal images of professional development of psychologists with different work experience. Methods. Analysis of publications with the level of evidence, using databases Web of Science, Scopus, eLIBRARY, and a bibliography of key articles. Empirical methods were used: A. Yatsyuk’s algorithm for writing and analyzing fairy tales, in the author’s modification in combination with the “Personal Differential” method (a variant adapted from the Bekhterev Research Institute). Results. A psychodiagnostic study of the dynamics of archetypal images of professional orientation, which develops due to the dynamics of the activity factor of the self-image, which grows at the stage of professional adaptation, having a plateau between stages of professional adaptation and initial professionalization, gradually increasing to the stage of professionalism; the factor of activity of the image of the hero in the trend is similar to the factor of activity of the image of I. That is, the image of the Person fully corresponds to the image of the Self of specialists, they understand and reflect their social face or professional self; factor of the strength of the image I. There is a tendency of expression in specialists at the stage of professional skill. Volitional qualities of the personality are expressed in specialists, at the stage of professional skill, and as low as possible in specialists who are just beginning to engage in professional activities; the factor of strength of the image of the hero reaches the peak development at the stage of professional skill; the factor of assessing the image of the antihero for specialists does not matter at all, due to the tendency to a high level of self-reflection, and as a consequence, a full analysis of their own negative qualities and their acceptance in full; The strength factor of the image of the antihero gradually increases and acquires an adequate assessment, avoiding devaluation, but there is a decline in the assessment of volitional qualities of the individual at the stage of professional activity, which is evidence or acceptance of his shadow or expression of negative professional characteristics. Conclusions. In the process of processing statistical data, the greatest changes in the image of the self were studied, namely the factors of strength, activity of the image of the self, as well as the factor of strength of the image of the antihero.


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