Keywords: psychological well-being, personal well-being, ambiguity, tolerance for ambiguity, tolerance of the situation, character traits.


Objectives. The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation and empirical study of the relationship between character traits, tolerance for ambiguity and components of personal well-being of studentspsychologists. Methods. The following diagnostic tools have been used in the study: “K. Riff's scale of psychological well-being” (adaptation by T.D. Shevelonkov, T.P. Fesenko); The Big Five Inventory (BFI), authors: Oliver P. John, Christopher J. Soto, 2015, adaptation: S.A. Shchebetenko, A.Y. Kalugina, A.M. Myshkevych (2018), “The scale of general tolerance for ambiguity of McLain” (adaptation: E.G. Lukovitskaya, 1998, revalidation of E.M. Osina, 2004). Results. The article theoretically substantiates and presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship between character traits, tolerance for ambiguity and components of personal well-being of psychologists. The study has been conducted with 311 students of the University of Kyiv named after Borys Hrinchenko and Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, majoring in Psychology. The relationship between personal well-being, tolerance for ambiguity and character traits has been studied. There is a significant relationship between overall well-being and tolerance for ambiguity. A cross-link between the component of well-being “Personal growth”, tolerance reactions “Attitude to ambiguity situations”, “Advantage of novelty”, “Attitude to complex tasks”, and character traits “Extraversion” (“Persistence”), “Honesty” (“Responsibility”), “Openness of experience” (“Curiosity”, “Aesthetics”, “Creative imagination”). Conclusions. The article provides a brief overview of foreign approaches to the formation of the study of the phenomena of personal well-being and tolerance for ambiguity, summarizes and formulates the definition of personal well-being and tolerance for ambiguity. The correlations between indicators of personal well-being, tolerance for ambiguity and character traits are analyzed. Characteristic correlates of tolerance for ambiguity in the system of personal well-being of students-psychologists are determined. Prospects for further research on the influence on the personal well-being of students of psychology are identified.


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