Keywords: psychological time, personal future, forced relocation, forced internal migration, construction of personal future, method of incomplete sentences.


The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the time perspective of internally displaced persons and to identify areas of life in which their motivation to construct personal future is reflected. Methods. To achieve the goal of the study a comparative analysis of the time perspective and motivational for the future of internally displaced persons and local residents was carried out with the help of The method of motivational induction by J. Nuttin. Results. The pilot study was conducted on the main sample, which consisted of 22 internally displaced persons, and the control sample consisted of 15 people who permanently live in one place. The endings of the sentences proposed for internally displaced persons and local residents contained 1 073 motivational objects, which were analyzed using J. Nuttin’s coding system, additional codes for indication the effects of war and forced resettlement, and a separate code for the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the results of the temporal analysis of motivational objects, the future time perspective of internally displaced persons in comparison with local residents is more open and uncertain with a small amount of short-term motivations. Analysis of motivational objects’ content identified 11 key themes for future motivations, which can be correlated with areas of future life. The theme dedicated to the consequences of war and forced relocation is specific for internally displaced persons. There is a large number of motivations associated with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in local residents’ answers, when the answers of internally displaced persons present almost complete absence of them. Conclusions. The effectiveness of J. Nuttin’s method of motivational induction in studying the length and motivational content of future of internally displaced persons was confirmed. The comparison of the motivational objects of internally displaced persons and local residents allowed to characterize the time perspective of internally displaced persons as more open and uncertain. Also, the areas of life related with constructing of personal future were identified, such as: personality and self-development, social contacts, self-preservation and personal autonomy, material values, work and study, rest.


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