• Serhii Oleksiiovych Klychkovkyi
Keywords: psychological atmosphere, crisis status, personality, interpersonal interaction, collective


The purpose of the article is to research the empirical research of the socio-psychological climate in the enter­prise during the crisis period. In accordance with the goal, we conducted an empirical study in which the following.

Methods were used: Socio-psychological self-assessment of the collective (the method of R.S. Nemov), the method for assessing the organization's psychological atmosphere (F. Fidder), the method of “forming a positive group motivation” (B.A. Rozanova).

Results. The article is devoted to the empirical study of the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise during the crisis period. In the course of the previous theoretical study, it was discovered that the availability of optimal socio-psy­chological climate at an enterprise helps to quickly overcome the crisis situation. The task of the article is to delineation empirical data on the peculiarities of the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise during the crisis period.

In our opinion, the crisis in the company leads to negative changes both at the group level (collectives), and at the level of individual and personal. Members of the group, through the influence of their own feelings, assess the state of the enterprise, understanding the existing problems and transferring them to the interpersonal level of interaction in the subdivision.

In this study, the socio-psychological climate is determined through three indicators: psychological atmosphere, group motivation for success and socio-psychological self-esteem of the team. Socio-psychological self-assessment of the team is expressed through such components as: responsibility, collectivism, cohesion, openness, organization, awareness and aspiration to preserve the integrity of the group.

Conclusions. So, after analyzing the results of the study, we can come to the following conclusions. As a result of the existence of a crisis period and the presence of individual psychological characteristics of members of the teams in the presented groups, there are no positive trends regarding the existence of an optimal socio-psychological climate in the group. All groups have complexities, which are manifested in the insufficient level of the seven com­ponents of the socio-psychological climate.

The best indicators among the presented in this study was demonstrated by the Department of Guard. However, in our opinion, this is primarily due to the individual psychological characteristics of the members of this group, their established principles, their specific previous work experience, and not with the correct management policy of the enterprise.

In our turn, in our opinion, the improvement of the socio-psychological climate will lead to a change in the state of the enterprise in the positive side. That is why the assessment of the state of the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise during the crisis period and further work to improve it, is a necessary part of the management process.


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