• Viktor Vasylovych Kyrychenko
Keywords: information, information society, information competence, invariants of professional activity, competence


Purpose. In modern society there is a need for the development of a high level of information culture of the individual. The purpose of the article is development invariant model of professional competence of a civil servant and to describe the significance of information culture in its structure. It was implemented within the framework of the project Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Assessment of the market of managerial public services and functional and competency of the civil service and civil servants in Ukraine”.

Methods. The research used the theoretical methods for analyzing the profession of civil servant activities and describes the functional significance of the information culture in its structure.

Results. We determined that the structure of the information culture includes the following invariants of the civil servant’s professional activity: ability to use ICT, ability to work with information, critical thinking, ability to learn and develop new knowledge and experience, ability to communicate and to establish interac­tion. These components form the technological and socio-psychological level of professional culture of the individual. The technological level of information culture refers to the ability of the subject of social relations to interact with digital information technologies. The socio-psychological level of information culture is relat­ed to the ability of the subject of social relations to analyze the processing of information and use it for social activity (communication, organization of activities, etc.). In the structure of professional competence of a public servant, information culture ensures that they perform the main professional functions: administrative function, planning function, organizational and executive function. The ability to learn and acquire new expe­rience is an integral competence, which leads to the development of other invariants of professional activity.

Conclusion. As a result of the study, we determined that information culture is part of the professional com­petence of professions that are related to social communication and interaction with information systems. As a result of the study, a methodology was developed for studying the professional competence of civil servants.


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