• Nadiia Vitaliivna Butenko
Keywords: social representations, family representations, public relations, social work with children with disability, social services, social organizations, families, who have children with disability


Purpose. The article describes the results of the investigation of the attitude towards social work carried out with children with disabilities. The purpose of investigation was to define how families, who have children with disability, assess work, which provides with them by different social organizations.

Methods. By the investigation there were defined ten types of organization which conduct social work with children with disability and their families and also were defined two main areas of their work: work with children and work with parents. During the investigation these areas were divided into three indicators: individual work, group work and leisure activities. Respondents had to evaluate the activity of each organization according to the indicators. It was also necessary to evaluate how often families cooperate with the indicated organizations.

Results. The investigation showed that, in general, social work with children is rated better than social work with parents. Most responds evaluated state social services and centers for social and psychological rehabilitation as the best organizations which conduct social work with children with disability. These two organizations carry out the largest part of social work with children with disabilities, providing not only the individual de­velopment of the child and its inclusion in society, but also social welfare of the family. In the assessment of social work with parents, the state social services and public organizations and charitable foundations received the highest marks. Social services provide integrated social support for families, and community organizations in their activities are also focused on the support and assistance of parents.

The lowest estimates were received by social departments of labor and social protection and medical insti­tutions. According to the results of investigation, these organizations do not carry out social work with children with a disability, despite of they are included in the system of social protection of the population.

Conclusions. Such results showed that there are some omissions in the interaction, which should be solved for establishing an effective system of social work with children with disabilities.


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