• Nataliia Anatoliivna Spytsia-Orishchenko
Keywords: structure of motivation, dynamics of motivation, interconnection of motivational parameters, aspects of professional choice, pre-profile level of education


Purpose. The theoretical and practical aspects of the solution of the actual psychological and pedagogical prob­lem of professional self-determination of pupils at the pre-profile level of education are presented in the article.

Methods: mathematical-statistical analysis (primary descriptive statistics, analysis of differences in the distribution of characteristics by criterion t Student, correlation analysis using linear correlation of Rxy Pearson). Mathematical processing was carried out using a package of mathematical and statistical software SPSS-17.0, Statistica 10.0.

Results. The analysis of the results of an experimental research of the structure and dynamics of psycho­logical characteristics of the motivation for professional self determination process of pupils is considered. The correlation between concepts is marked: professional self-determination, psychological features of moti­vation, pre-profile level of education, structure of motivation. The necessary condition for an optimal process of professional self-determination is the formation and development of motivational components for pupils in the second stage of education.

Conclusions. The prospects of further studies are determined through the prism of the formation and de­velopment of various types of motivation for the young person. The aim of further developing and corrective psychological work and psychological support for the process of professional self-determination of school­children is noted.


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