Keywords: children, dysontogenesis, parents, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation, speech disorders


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of child-parent relationships in families raising children with complex developmental disorders.

Methods. To achieve this goal, psychodiagnostic techniques were used, such as E. Schaefer’s Parental Attitude Test (PARI) and VV Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire. Stolina and A.Ya. Vargi. Student’s parametric criterion was used to identify statistical differences in parental attitudes in different groups.

Results. A comparative study was conducted on 136 parents of children with musculoskeletal disorders and mental retardation, 152 parents of children with complex speech disabilities in combination with intellectual disabilities and 184 parents with children without developmental disabilities. A total of 472 parents took part in the study of child-parent relationships in families raising children with complex developmental disorders. The difference in the parental attitude to mentally retarded children with musculoskeletal disorders and to children with a complex of speech and intellectual disorders is a combination of the first higher level of emotional rejection and, at the same time, infantilization of the child. Parents of children with intellectual disabilities try to protect their children from the difficulties, complexities of the world and at the same time, this is one of the frustrating factors that manifests itself in the increased irritability of parents. Parents of children with disabilities are more likely to encourage the child’s dependence, to consider the child dependent and infantile. Parents of children with motor and intellectual disabilities are more likely to perceive their child as an unadapted life and a loser.

Conclusions. The most unfavorable for the child attitudes and the nature of the relationship are demonstrated by parents who raise children with movement disorders and mental retardation compared to the parents of children with language and intellectual disabilities. Parents who have children with speech and intellectual disabilities have a more positive pedagogical prognosis of their upbringing and education of children, and hence the possible more successful social adaptation of the child in the future.


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