Keywords: ADHD treatment, hyperactive children, inclusive education, impulsivity, inattention


According to the literature sources and information obtained from the specialists in the field, we found the lack of diagnostic measures for attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). At present, the hyperactive children behavior correction system is being actively reformed in Ukraine. One of the aspects of its modernization is the improvement and updating of the methodological base, primarily, the diagnostic methodology one. ADHD rating scales are actively used at all stages of ADHD treatment from diagnosis to correction of behavior. That is why its arrears important to increase the number of methodological tools of a psychologist during diagnostics.

Purpose: improvement and adapted of the “Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal behavior” (J.M. Swanson) rating scale for the use in Ukraine.

Methods: calculation of psychometric characteristics of the Ukrainian version of the SWAN scales: correspondence of the empirical data to the normal distribution law (Gaussian function), internal consistency and reliability of parallel forms (by correlation analysis by r-Pearson criterion).

Results. We processed 76 questionnaires, the age category of children ranged from 6 to 13 years (class “The Intelligence of Ukraine”, children with existing CPR, inclusive and classic classes). Questionnaires were filled in by teachers who were able to observe students’ behavior. The following psychometric indicators of the Scale were calculated: internal consistency (r = 0.77 at p ≤ 0.01 for the scale “Inattention” and r = 0.86 at p ≤ 0.01 for the scale “Hyperactivity” and “Impulsivity”) and the reliability of parallel forms (between the scales “Inattention” and “Hyperactivity/Impulsivity” according to the “SWAN” rating scale method (r = 0.53 at р ≤ 0.01) and the sum of the points according to the scales “Hyperactivity” and “Impulsivity” in “Rating scale of ADHD” (Suxotina, N.K. & Egorova, T.I.) (r = 0.56 at р ≤ 0.01)).

Conclusions. The obtained results are satisfactory, so the “Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal behavior” rating scale is ready for use in Ukraine. We see further potential for the development of the problem in those goals that could not be realized due to the lack of resources and quarantine, namely: increasing the number of sample, checking retest reliability as well as expert and constructive validity.


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