Keywords: professional competence, teaching skills, inclusive competence, personal readiness, psychological readiness


Purpose of the article is theoretical analysis and determines the essence of teacher’s personal readiness as a component of teacher’s professional competence in inclusive educational environment.

Methods of the study – analysis, comparison, systematization and collation of the findings study data based on examination of scientific literature.

Results. To determine the essence of teacher’s personal readiness in inclusive educational environment we analyzed general and special requirements to teachers. It has been found that during special focused training of future teachers, professional knowledge and skills are as important as development of teacher’s personal qualities, which determine that a teacher is prepared for pedagogical activity. The following components are important in the structure of readiness: cognitive, activity, value-motivational and emotionally volitional. The article reveals the concept concept of professional and inclusive competence. They are important components of teaching skills pedagogical mastery, which is necessary for the effective performance in the inclusive educational environment. It is noted that competence includes teachers’ personal attitude to their own activity. It emphasized that the personal aspect of key competences is a systemically important component. It defines and integrates other components. The attention is drawn to such features of inclusive educational process as its corrective focus and innovativeness. With this in view, teacher’s readiness to continuous improvement of their professional skills and competencies, i.e. life-long education is identified as an important condition.

Conclusions. It was concluded that the concept of personal readiness is a complex structure, it is defined as an established characteristic, system of teachers’ personal features and their functional state. Such structuring of the category “personal readiness” determines the success of pedagogical activity in inclusive educational environment. The components of personal readiness include motivational, orientational, operational, volitional and evaluative components. In addition to the abovementioned components, teachers’ psychological readiness is an important condition as well. It determines teachers’ understanding of the nature, goals and features of their activity in inclusive educational environment


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