Keywords: image of the future family, labor migration, labor migrants’ children, preventive satisfaction with marriage, longitudinal research


The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the empirical longitudinal research on the development of family ideas among middle and high school-age children. The article highlights the importance of the young generation’s ideas about their future family life in the context of the peculiarities, which labor migrants’ children have. Changes in the adolescents’ attitude to their future marriage in longitude are considered. The sample included children from labor migrants’ families aged 12–14 (88 respondents), who were surveyed in 2014 and a part of this sample’s respondents (49 students), who were surveyed in 2017, and, at that time, they were 15–17 full years respectively. Also, in 2014 it was carried out the psycho-diagnostic examination of children from complete families (63 respondents) and 23 of them were surveyed in 2017.

Methods. To diagnose the peculiarities of family ideas in longitude, S.V. Kovalev’s questionnaire “Preventive Marriage Satisfaction” was chosen (to identify the level of positive attitude to the future marriage) and the author’s drawing method “My future family” (to identify emotional attitude to the future family and possible problematic family ideas, which can have a destructive effect on marital and child-parent relationships). Hypothesis. There is a possibility that negative tendencies during the formation of family ideas among labor migrants’ children remain constant throughout the adolescent period.

Results. Statistical analysis. It is carried out the comparative analysis of family ideas, which adolescents from complete functional families have. The descriptive statistics are used to determine the average, minimum, maximum indicators in the group, the indicators of standard deviation; the Student’s t-criterion. As a result of the longitudinal study of family ideas, it has been revealed that children from labor migrants’ families have negative dynamics in the formation of ideas about the future family, that is, the representations are predictably more and more unfavorable in comparison with children from complete functional families.

Conclusions. It has been proved a decrease in the level of preventive satisfaction with marriage and desirability of interaction between family members that will affect the development of marital and family relations in the future, namely the strength of the future marriage, spouses’ compatibility and success of parenthood, etc. Research limitation concerns the number of the same participants in the longitude, as some respondents did not continue their education in high school.


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