Keywords: ontology, systematic approach, teacher reflection, reflexive position, pattern of reflexive processes


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the psychological essence of professional reflection of a teacher in pedagogical interaction. With this in mind, the article analyzes the main approaches to the study of professional reflection of a teacher, which are based on the epistemological paradigm and proposes a model of teacher reflection that takes into account its ontological features in interaction with children.

Methods. To achieve this goal, general scientific methods of theoretical level were used: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific-theoretical and empirical data.

Results. Professional reflection of the teacher ensures the teacher’s entry into a reflexive position during pedagogical interaction, stimulates the experience of his own subjectivity in the field of professional activity, determines the peculiarities of teacher management of pedagogical interaction. The reflexive position has value and instrumental components. The value aspects of the reflexive position are characterized by the rank of reflection. The article analyzes the main ranks of the reflexive position in accordance with the types of value attitude of the teacher to professional activities. Attitude to the profession as a means of life is inherent in the zero rank of professional reflection. The first rank is characterized by the teacher’s attitude to professional activity as a goal of his own being. The second rank of the reflexive position characterizes the attitude to the profession as a personal value. The instrumental component of the reflexive position is the pattern of reflexive processes. The pattern of reflexive processes covers the main spheres of professional activity of the teacher, ensures their integration and regulation, determines the teacher’s ability to take into account various aspects of the real situation of pedagogical interaction, to comprehend their mutual influence and interdependence. The areas of manifestation of reflexive processes are: their own cognitive structures and cognitive structures of students, which are connected with the subject and methodological means of educational and educational influence; cooperative aspects of pedagogical interaction with pupils; professional self-consciousness; existential and spiritual formations of the teacher’s personality.

Conclusions. The systematic approach allowed to reveal the ontological aspects of the teacher’s professional reflection. Reflection provides a teacher’s understanding of himself in relation to students. The results of this reflection determine the strategy and methods of teacher management of the development of students’ personalities in the educational process.


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