Keywords: gender perceptions, gender identification, gender-role of the Self-image, adolescence, traditional and egalitarian values, psychological support


Purpose. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of theoretical analysis and empirical study of the peculiarities of gender perceptions, identification of gender characteristics in the structure of the Selfimage of adolescent girls and boys. The state of development of the researched problem is clarified, the content of the basic concepts is revealed.

Methods. The theoretical methods are used such as analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization of scientific statements and facts; empirical such as observation, conversation, testing for in-depth and holistic study of the psychological features of the adolescents gender identity formation; a psychological and pedagogical experiment in the form of ascertaining is conducted. To study gender characteristics in the structure of the Selfimage of two sexual samples, the method “Who am I?” devised by M. Kun -T. McPartland has been used.

Results. The results of the empirical study showed that most of adolescents of both sexes focus on universal values, social roles, moral qualities, communicative the Self, active the Self and personal the Self, which is the evidence of their being in a qualitatively different social development situation, restructuring interpersonal relationships with peers and adults within a leading activity and rethinking oneself in a new adult role. Only a third of the respondents pointed out the peculiarities of appearance as an element of physical the Self-image. Gender differences in the critical self-assessment and identification "We" are detected.

Conclusions. Gender differences in the perceptions of adolescents about their own the Self-image are revealed. It is studied that girls have higher rates than boys in such categories as: identification with humanity, personal identification, social roles, age identification, appearance, moral qualities, personal negative qualities, feminine qualities, communicative the Self, perspective the Self, active the Self. The sample of boys is dominated by gender identification, personal the Self, personal positive qualities, masculine qualities, national and civic identification.


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