Keywords: self-regulation, emotional self-regulation, characteristics of emotional reaction, coping strategies, mechanisms of psychological protection, stressful situations


Purpose. The purpose is to consider the peculiarities of interrelation of emotional properties, coping strategies of the personality’s behavior, and mechanisms of psychological protection in the process of emotional selfregulation of the personality. The views of scientists on the interrelation of coping strategies of the personality’s behavior and mechanisms of psychological protection in the process of self-regulation are analyzed. The results of the experimental study of the interrelation of personal emotional properties of immigrants with such mechanisms of emotional self-regulation as coping strategies and mechanisms of psychological protection are presented.

Methods. The following diagnostic tools are used in the study presented: the scales of “Emotional excitability”, “Intensity of emotions”, “Duration of emotions” of the self-assessment test “Characteristics of emotionality” by Ye.P. Ilin; the scale “Emotional lability” of the Freiburg Personality Inventory; the scale “Emotional channel of empathy” by V.V. Boiko; the technique of the emotional-energetic charges by V.V. Boiko; the scale “General mood background” of the technique of the index of life satisfaction in adaptation by N.V. Panina; the coping test by R. Lazarus; the questionnaire by Plutchik – Kellerman – Conte “Life Style Index” (LSI). The following methods are used to process the empirical data: descriptive statistics and correlation analysis.

Results. The study has been conducted with 54 immigrants from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The conditionality of the choice of coping strategies and mechanisms of psychological protection of immigrants in a stressful situation with personal, emotional properties is determined. A significant interrelation is found between the indicators of emotional properties and such coping strategies as “planning problem solving”, “taking responsibility”, “escape-avoidance”. The emotional property “emotional intensity” forms the largest number of interrelations with coping strategies. The emotional property “optimism” has no correlation with the coping strategies of the personality. The interrelations between the indicators of emotional properties of immigrants with the mechanisms of psychological protection are analyzed. The greatest number of interrelations is formed by the emotional properties of immigrants (emotional excitability, intensity of emotions, emotional lability-rigidity, expressiveness, emotional stability-instability) with the indicators of psychological protection mechanisms “regression”, “substitution”, “compensation”, “hyper compensation”. The indicator “emotional sensitivity” is related to the mechanisms of psychological protection “substitution” and “compensation”. The emotional property “optimism” is inversely correlated with the psychological mechanism of “substitution”.

Conclusions. It is proved that immigrants use a wide repertoire of coping strategies of behavior and mechanisms of psychological protection together with the interrelation with the characteristics of emotional response during a stressful situation. The results obtained contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of the personality’s holistic functioning in stressful situations.


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