Keywords: views of individual, validity, reliability, diagnostic scales, statistical indicators, view types


The purpose of the article is a theoretical and practical substantiation of the test questionnaire “Fundamental worldview orientations of an individual” and a description of the stages of its creation. The following methods are used: a theoretical analysis, an empirical research. A variant of the test questionnaire, methods of its application and calculation of the quantitative data are described. Results and conclusions. It is stated that the diagnosing fundamental attitudes of an individual to himself, to other people, to life, the world and the spiritual sphere by a psychologist allows him to more effectively assist a client or a patient in strengthening his mental, psychological, social, moral and spiritual health. The article demonstrates the constructiveness of J. Powell’s idea that the integrity of human life depends on the perception and understanding of one’s own inner world and the world of others, the meaning of life, attitude to the nature and the spiritual reality. It is noted that the questionnaire created by the author for psychotherapeutic purposes cannot be used for diagnostic purposes due to the low reliability of the obtained quantitative results. The point adaptation techniques and the criteria of formulation of the author’s variant of the diagnostic test questionnaire “Fundamental worldview orientations of an individual” are characterized. PhD’s and Masters of psychology and pedagogy expertly tested the formulated scales and their points. The stages of its creation are described (adaptation of statements to the national realities, formation of criteria for selecting formulating statements; initial verification of validity and reliability of the questionnaire, statistical processing of primary data with determining relevant statistical indicators; improving statements and testing the improved version, checking the reliability and the constructive validity of the criteria), methods of checking the validity and reliability of the scales are suggested, relevant statistical indicators are characterized, stimulus material of the questionnaire is demonstrated, which includes the instructions to the subject, a list of five scales (“Views on life”, “Views on God”, “Views on other people”, “Views on nature”, “Views on oneself”), a form to fill in the answers, a list of direct and inverse statements in scales and the codes of translating answers into points. The types of respondents’ views are defined comparing with separate scales (1) positively constructive, harmonious; 2) positively disharmonious; 3) negatively disharmonious; 4) negatively destructive) and similar types of generalized worldviews of a subject. The obtained results can be used as data in counselling, correctional and psychotherapeutic activities of a practical psychologist.


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