Keywords: thinking, memory, semantic processing of information, musical style, state of consciousness, passion for listening to music


Purpose. The purpose of the research is to determine the features of the connection of intellectual abilities with addictive manifestations of passion for listening to music in students.

Methods. The subjects were 57 students. In an empirical study, the following methods were used: “The scale of Progressive Matrices” by J. Raven; “Simple analogies”; scale “Sports and music fanaticism” from the method “Tendency to dependent behavior” by V.D. Mendelevich. Passion for listening to music was determined using a research questionnaire. We performed statistical analysis of empirical data using correlation analysis (according to Spearman), the Mann-Whitney criterion u, and the Fisher criterion φ*.

Results. Analysis of the results according to the method of V.D. Mendelevich allowed us to identify a problem subgroup with an increased predisposition and a high probability of musical dependence in the group of subjects (22 people). We have found that for the studied group, the highest problems are: the frequency of listening to music at leisure (U = 235,5; p = 0,022); desired expressiveness of the musical rhythm (U = 271,5; p = 0,039); frequency of loss of time perception when listening (U = 237,0; p = 0,012); frequency of listening to works in the rock styles (φ* = 1,73; p = 0,042) and hip-hop (φ* = 1,8; p = 0,036). Manifestations of musical addiction correlate with: the use of music to raise the mood (r = 0,289; p = 0,029); the desired sound volume (r = 0,258; p = 0,053); the frequency of “immersion in yourself” when listening (r = 0,350; p = 0,008). The feedback of musical addiction with indicators of intellectual development in Series A (r = −0,280; p = 0,035) and C (r = −0,370; p = 0,005) methods of J. Raven. We have determined that the use of music for intellectual concentration correlates with the overall indicator of problem-solving, according to J. Raven (r = 0,260; p < 0,051) and with the effectiveness of searching for simple analogies (r = 0,303; p < 0,022).

Conclusions. The severity of addictive manifestations among studied students about listening to music is directly related to a decrease in the effectiveness of intellectual functions. Those functions aim at determining the relationships and principles of development of the analyzed structural organization. Music contributes to students’ concentration in intellectual activities, but excessive listening to music for mental concentration contributes to the loss of a person’s sense of reality and conscious control over actions when immersed in a flowing state.


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