Keywords: mechanisms of psychological protection, aggression, communicative aggression, personality trait, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis


Purpose. The purpose of this article is to present the results of theoretical and empirical research aimed at studying the features of psychological protection in people with different levels of aggression.

Methods. The method “Life Style Index” by R. Plutchyk, G. Kellermann, H. Comte, adapted by L. Wasserman was used to diagnose the mechanisms of psychological protection. The method “Determination of integral forms of communicative aggression” by V. Boyko was used to study of communicative aggression.

Results. The results of the correlation analysis between the indicators of the mechanisms of psychological protection and communicative aggression are presented. It was identified the positive and negative significant correlations between most indicators of psychological protection and communicative aggression. The profiles of features of psychological protection of “aggressive” and “non-aggressive” persons are considered. It is established that there are some differences in the manifestations of mechanisms of psychological protection in members of a group of people with different levels of aggression.

Conclusions. Psychological protection is seen as a system of regulatory mechanisms of the psyche, which are aimed at eliminating or minimizing negative, traumatic personal experiences associated with internal or external conflicts, states of anxiety and discomfort. The function of psychological protection is to overcome feelings of insecurity, inferiority, protection of value consciousness and maintaining a stable self-esteem. Aggression is understood as a person’s behavior towards other people, which is characterized by a desire to cause them trouble, harm. Correlation analysis has shown that communicative aggression is most associated with psychological defense mechanisms such as displacement, regression, compensation, and substitution. The qualitative analysis was established that persons with a high level of communicative aggression are characterized by such mechanisms of psychological protection as regression, compensation and substitution. In the group of people with a low level of aggression is dominated such mechanisms of psychological protection as denial, compensation and reactive education.


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