• Olha Borysivna Ihumnova
Keywords: stress situation, behavior, personality traits, mastery behavior, copyrights, regulatory processes, regulatory properties


Purpose. The purpose of the article is an empirical study of individual-style features of self-regulation of students-psychologists with different styles of coping strategies.

Methods. The methodological basis is the general psychological positions on the development of the in­dividual, the subject-activity approach, situational-personal approach to captive behavior. The questionnaire of coping strategies (WCQ) by R. Lazarus, S. Folkman and questionnaire by V. Morosanova and R. Sagheev “The style of self-regulation of behavior” was used.

Results. The article deals with the problem of coping-behavior in modern psychological literature and the influence of personal resources on the choice and application of coping-behavior strategies. The basic strate­gies of coping behavior of students-psychologists are investigated. It is determined that students-psychologists of problem-oriented style strategies are expressed on average, the most expressive are copy-strategies of emo­tionally-oriented style and style of avoidance.

Peculiarities of the system of self-regulation of students-psychologists with different styles of coping strat­egies are analyzed. Students with problematic-oriented style are characterized by a uniformly formed self-reg­ulatory contour and high levels of development of regulatory processes and properties. Students with emo­tionally-oriented style are characterized by low levels of development of modeling and programming of future performances, uneven development of components of the contour of self-regulation. Students with a dominant style of avoidance are characterized by dysagarmonic development of self-regulation profile, low level of de­velopment of modeling and evaluation processes, average levels of development of other parts of the system of self-regulation and low general level of conscious self-regulation.

Conclusions. It is determined that the peculiarities of self-regulation of students determine the choice and application of coping strategies of a certain style. The formation and high level of development of regulatory planning, modeling, programming, evaluation results and regulatory properties of flexibility and independence of the individual system of self-regulation in students provides implementation of constructive strategies of coping behavior and is a personal resource in overcoming stressful situations.


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