Keywords: individual religiosity, faith, non-religiosity, personality, psychological consequences of religiosity, value-semantic orientations


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of a pilot study of the peculiaritiesof the manifestation of religiosity in the structure of personal qualities, which can potentially indicate a kindof condition for the formation of religious consciousness and manifestations of personality behavior.

Methods. To determine one`s characteristic features of the religious world view, we chose “Structureof Individual Religiosity” by Y. Shcherbatykh; to diagnose the actual semantic states of the respondents –a test-questionnaire “SJO” by D. Leontiev and “16PF Questionnaire” by R. Cattell, which reflects the modelof individual psychological personality traits.

Results. This scientific report presents the results of an empirical study, which provided for the possibilityof comparing the psychological consequences of individual religiosity of persons with different levelsof formation of individual religiosity. Religiosity in the context of this study appears as a deep personal structurethat is not reduced to any particular confessional form. The legitimacy of determining the psychologicalconsequences of individual religiosity as related to changes in the characteristics of the main dynamicsubstructures of personality – “inner world”, “character” and “mental states” is theoretically substantiatedand empirically confirmed. It has been proved that the level of religiosity correlates with sociability, whichis determined by the affiliation of an individual to religious communities, functional and empirical typeof religiosity.

Conclusions. This article provides the analysis of the concept of individual religiosity, defines itscomponents and typologies. The established value attitude to religion is realized through the systemof knowledge, emotional attitude, cult religious behavior and the spread of religious ideals in one’s own life.Along with the concept of religiosity, the concept of spirituality or faith is often used, and it is generallyaccepted to share faith in religious and non-religious. The results of the study refute the stereotypes formedin society about the individual psychological qualities of religious people, for example, indicators indicatethe absence of differences in internality and externality, carelessness, emotional stability of religious and nonreligiousrespondents. Individual religiosity acts as an adaptive resource of the individual, providing increasedstress potential, the effectiveness of its adaptation to changing living conditions, the success of overcomingsocial fears, etc., therefore, the psychological consequences of individual religiosity include: improvingthe effectiveness of overcoming difficult life situations and adaptability to changing living conditions, growingsense of social and psychological security.


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