Keywords: attitude component of conflict competence, models of conflict competence, attitudes, social attitudes, values, personal potential


The aim of this paper is to clarify the psychological content and significance of the attitude component in the structure of conflict competence of the educator’s personality.

Methods. The study used theoretical methods of collecting, summarizing, systematizing, comparing information. Systematic work with information was carried out in three stages. The first stage was on the sites of international organizations on education, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, manual search for thematic queries in various clarifications, selected primary (1997–2004) and latest valid documents and publications on the structure of personal competence. The second stage included selection of the latest domestic and foreign research on this topic in the Google Scholar database. At the third stage, work was with all the analyzed and selected sources, contained the description of the psychological nature, relations of mental structures in the models of conflictological competence of the person.

Results. It is shown that the founders of the competence approach have defined the place of the conceptof “attitude”, along with knowledge, skills, and abilities in the structural models of conflict competenceof the person. Nevertheless, due to different interpretations of this concept by translators, statesmen, scholarsand practitioners, the category “attitude” has lost its original essence, that was described in works of internationalorganizations in education and their experts (Rychen, 2004) and is studied only through subcontracted to itphenomena in separate descriptions of “socio-personal” aspects of competence.The role of “subjective attitude” for effective human activity in changing circumstances, which playsa solidarity role for certain psychological structures is substantiated. The psychological content of the conceptof “attitude” in the structure of conflictological competence as a mental latent potential of reactions, experiencesand actions of a person, which is actualized in the construction of the current communicative situation.

Conclusions. The importance of the subjectivity in the category of “attitude” in the structure of conflict competence, as the leading one, in the constructive ways of experiencing and behaving of the educator’s personality in the situation of professional conflicts is proved. Both the assimilation of special knowledge and skills in conflictology by the subject of interaction and their manifestation in activity depend on the psychological attitudes of the individual.


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