The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the subjective social well-being of young employees in the organization.
Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific research results; “The questionnaire of parameters of subjective social well-being” (T.V. Danylchenko); methods of mathematical data processing, the comparative analysis by means of Fisher’s angular transformation criterion, in particular.
Results. It has been stated that psychological well-being is a condition, factor, and, at the same time,a criterion of successful adaptation of an employee in the organization. It has been determined that the stateof well-being creates favorable positive interpersonal relationships, a possibility to communicate, get positiveemotions, satisfy a person’s need for that; therefore, it is mostly about subjective social well-being.
Conclusions. Some differences have been revealed in the manifestations of the indicators of subjective social well-being between a group of young workers in the organization, who are in the process of labor adaptation, and more experienced employees, who have more work experience: social noticeability, social remoteness, social approval, social beliefs (p ≤ 0.05), that is, young employees consider their social significance insufficient, social prestige and authority from the point of view of other people; they sometimes feel social isolation, alienation, dissatisfaction with social relations; working youth, in assessing their personal and professional qualities, is mainly guided by the extraneous opinions of colleagues, directorship, and, at the same time, has positive ideas about qualities, virtues of other people, justice and positiveness of the world. The obtained data are useful for work on the adaptation of young employees in the organization.
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