Keywords: сognition of the results of behaviour, сognition of behavior classes, сognition of behavior transformation, сognition of behavioral systems, ideas about morality, moral strategies moral orientation of the individual


Moral self-determination is understood to be the process of orientation of a personality in the system of moral values, as well as a conscious process of searching, choosing and creating one’s own moral standards and ideals, and then on their basis – principles, values, norms and rules.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to study the interrelation between social intelligence and students’ moral self-determination.

Methods. A test was used to determine the levels of social intelligence (J. Guildford, M. Sullivan) in the adaptation of E.S. Mihailova, which allows to study students’ cognition of behavior results; Cognition of behavior classes; Cognition of behavior transformation; cognition of behavioral systems. Using the method of A.E. Vorobyeva and A.B. Kupreychenko “Moral Self-Determination of the Person” the following parameters were measured: ideas about morality, morality; moral strategies moral orientation of the individual.

Results. It was found that cognition of the results of behavior, classes of behavior, cognition of the systems of behavior is positively connected with the ideas of the students studied about the high importance of morality and morality for society. The more students are ingested by learning the results of human behavior, the more they are characterized by notions of the absoluteness of morality. Respondents studied with a high level of knowledge of human behavior systems are more likely to have ideas about the relativity of morality. Positive correlations of subtest “cognition of classes of behaviour” and indicators on the scale of “retribution for good and evil” have been revealed. The greatest number of positive relationships we have identified between the ideas of morality as the power of the individual and the cognition of the results of behavior, cognition of classes of behavior, cognition of the transformation of behavior and cognition of behavior systems.

Conclusions. In the empirical research it is established that the expression of social intellect has no unambiguous connection with moral self-determination of students. In general, the positivity of moral selfdetermination of a person is more inherent in students with a high level of social intellect.


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