Keywords: professional deformations, psychological conditions, components of personality structure, postgraduate education, technology of overcoming, experiment


Purpose. The aim of the article is a theoretical substantiation and analysis of the results of experimental testing of the technology of overcoming psychologists’ professional deformations of in the conditions of postgraduate education.

Methods. A set of general scientific methods is used: analysis, systematization, comparison and generalization of data on the problems of psychology of personality’s professional activity and professional development, theoretical modeling of essential features of professional deformations; psychological and pedagogical design; method of analysis of definitions; psychological and pedagogical experiment, questionnaires, surveys, testing to identify the level of development of professional deformities; methods of mathematical statistics.

Results. The article presents the results of experimental work on the implementation of psychological conditions of overcoming psychologists’ professional deformations in the system of postgraduate education. On the basis of certain peculiarities of the manifestation of professional deformations at various levels of the organization of the psyche, taking into account the psychological mechanism of the emergence and development of this phenomenon, foreign and domestic experience of professional development of specialists, the organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the technology of overcoming professional deformations are presented. Experimental testing of the effectiveness of psychological conditions for overcoming psychologists’ professional deformations in the system of postgraduate education was carried out through the introduction of this technology, containing the general and special principles of its implementation, indicating the forms and methods of work in the course and inter-course period of professional development.

Conclusions. The results of testing of the technology showed the positive dynamics of the levels of development of all identified components of the personality structure, which testifies to the effectiveness and expediency of its introduction in the educational process of institutions of postgraduate education.


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