Keywords: readiness, life position, personality readiness for changes, personality development, students


The article presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of personality readiness for changes of students as a potential for choosing their own life position.

Purpose. The goal of the article was: to explore the level of personality readiness for changes of modern students as a potential for choosing their own life position. It was found that this phenomenon is considered by scientists and researchers as an essential prerequisite for any purposeful activity, its regulation, stability and efficiency, as a certain state of mental functions, which provides a high level of achievement in performing a particular activity and allows to develop personality skills, social mobility, initiative and persistence in achieving socially significant goals throughout life.

Methods: empirical research was based on the main scientific approaches: individual-psychological and age; The method PCRS: “Personal change-readiness survey”, developed by A. Rolnic, S. Heather, M. Gold, C. Hull and adapted by N.A. Bazhanova and G.L. Bardier is chosen as a psychodiagnostic tool.

The result is: only a third part of students is ready at the high level to live and act in accordance with their own views, values and meanings, ready for the changes that are taking place in our society and beyond; another 30,0% of students are ready to withstand the stresses associated with changing circumstances at the average level; 30,0% of young men and women are not ready to withstand the challenges of today, and even more so, to adhere to their own position in life in personal and social interaction with others.

Conclusions: modern youth, who must be at the forefront of all social transformations, will be dependent, adapted to the circumstances and will not take responsibility for their future, the prosperity of the country and even more so for the future of the world. Thus, to overcome infantilism and pessimism among student youth, it is necessary to develop and implement in the higher education system psychological and pedagogical tools for the development of personality readiness for changes as a potential for choosing their own life position and building a happy life.


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