Keywords: school, positive loneliness, communication, vitality, self-esteem, painful experience


Purpose. The goal of the article is to investigate the phenomenon of loneliness in adolescence. The results of the empirical study of the features of loneliness of adolescents studying in secondary education institutions are presented.

Methods. The following diagnostic tools were used in the study: the methodology “Differential Questionnaire for Experiencing Loneliness” (E. Osin, D. Leont’ev); the method of “Test of vitality” (S. Maddi, in adaptation by D. Leont’ev, O. Raskazova); the method “Emotional self-awareness” (O. Vlasova, M. Berezyuk); the method of determining the level of self-esteem Dembo-Rubinstein (modification A. Prihozhan). The following methods were used to process the empirical data: descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, correlation and cluster analysis.

Results. The study was conducted on the basis of educational institutions of the city of Kiev. The survey was attended by students from secondary school, specialized school, lyceum, gymnasium, humanities lyceum, boarding school and boarding school, which provided data for further detailed analysis. The features of adolescent loneliness are analyzed in detail, as well as features related to the general state of loneliness of psychological constructs, such as dependence on communication and positive loneliness. The development of life-sustainability components in contemporary adolescents, namely inclusion, control, and risk-taking, is revealed. The results of the comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the loneliness of boys and girls are presented. Considering the measure of loneliness, the level of resilience and empathy, four groups of respondents were identified and the psychological characteristics of each group were revealed.

Conclusions. It has been found that the experience of loneliness is relevant in adolescence and is associated with a number of other psychological characteristics. In particular, correlations between loneliness and vitality, self-esteem, and empathy have been identified. Four groups of adolescents have been identified, depending on their inherent measure of loneliness, level of resilience and self-esteem. The results of the study will be used to develop psychological training for adolescents who have difficulties in communication and are painfully lonely.


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