Keywords: emotional state, well-being, activity, mood, statistical significance


Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of the emotional states of boys and girls depending on the type of educational classes in high school. The aim of the paper is to identify the features of the severity of the components of the emotional states of the students at laboratory classes at universities, depending on the course of study.

Methods. The empirical study has been conducted with the help of the test of differentiated self-assessment of the functional state. The obtained primary data have been processed using the STATISTICA 12.0 package.

Results. It has been found that the students feel well at laboratory classes, and the girls have a statistically significantly higher level of expression of this feeling than the boys have. The students feel themselves strong, enduring, hard-working, energetic. They demonstrate their personal qualities, such as independence, initiative, leadership, organizational and communication skills. The severity of their activity at laboratory classes has positive signs. The students have a desire to work and to think. They are active, fast, attentive. They perform a variety of practice-oriented tasks, feel fascinated by the course. The degree of mood at laboratory classes does not differ statistically significantly at boys and girls. In general, the students are in a good mood at laboratory classes. For the average scores, the mood of boys has higher values than the mood of girls. They are optimistic, satisfied, happy, calm, cheerful. The students perform various types of work at laboratory classes, which increases their interest to the research and cognitive activities and forms an internal motivation to learn. The lowest rates of well-being at laboratory classes have the students of the fourth course. The highest rates of wellbeing have the students of the fifth course. The fifth-year students have the lowest level of activity at laboratory classes, and the first-year students have the highest level of activity. The highest indicators at laboratory classes are in the fifth year of education, and the lowest indicators are in the fourth year of education.

Conclusions. The results of the empirical study have shown that the students have positive emotions at laboratory classes, and the girls have a statistically significantly higher level of well-been than the boys have. The severity of activity at laboratory classes has positive signs, and the measure of severity of the boys on this scale is statistically slightly higher than of the girls. The degree of mood of the boys and the girls at laboratory classes does not differ statistically significantly.


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