Keywords: elderly person, optimism, pessimism, happiness, mental health, prosperous old age


Purpose. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of optimism as a psychological phenomenon, to analyze its connection with other psychological constructs, to determine the psychological peculiarities of optimism in the elderly persons.

Methods. With the help of the descriptive method there have been analyzed the different approaches to the definition of optimism; there have been systematized the scientific theoretical and empirical researches of this construct; with the help of the method of L. Rudina “Test for optimism” there have been defined the role of optimism, pessimism and hope of the elderly persons.

Results. There have been done the analysis of the relationship of optimism with other psychological categories. The main advantages of optimism in the personality’s life path have been given. It is noted that optimism is a person’s ability to feel hope for success, believe in own strengths and abilities, take care of themselves and constructively overcome obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. There have been described the psychological features of optimist and pessimist. The social and psychological problems of the elderly persons have been considered. The results of the empirical research of optimism in elderly persons are given. The optimistic elderly persons are happier, more productive, satisfied with life, confident in themselves and their future, ready for new, able to accept themselves and their own age, socialize more successfully, have certain goals in life and necessary resources for their realization, constructive coping-strategies for overcoming life’s difficulties. In general they have fewer health problems. Pessimistic elderly people often adapt worse to the new stage of life, have low emotional background and self-esteem, don’t accept old age, expect the worst in the future, feel confused in stressful situations, insecure, uninitiated, unproductive, uncommunicative, fearless, believe that life is over, but much more accurately than optimists they are able to evaluate the situation and own resources for its solving. The majority of respondents demonstrate a predominance of moderate pessimism.

Conclusions. The research pays attention on creating the necessary conditions as for strengthening optimism in the elderly for healthy aging, positive acceptance of yourself and the world, building self-confidence and success, life plans, effective coping with stress, mental and physical health.


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