Keywords: axiopsihology, being, values, senses, meanings, meaning-life orientations, value-semantic sphere


The purpose of the article is to carry out a reflexive analysis of the ontophenomenal essence of the individual, taking into account his axiopsychological and meaning-life priorities. The main tasks of search are centered around the analytical delineation of the axiopsychological constituents of the individual, the study of the system of senses and meanings of the person in the context of his life aspirations, finding ontophenomenal forms of existential inquiries of human being.

Research methods: analysis and systematization of scientific literature, comparisons and generalizations, scientific-psychological methodologization and socio-humanitarian theorizing.

Results. The relation of human to reality and the social environment is mediated by internally accepted values, which constitute the existential focus of his being. Formation, development and realization of moral, intellectual and esthetic demands and interests of the individual in the process of her life activity are mediated by a system of axiopsychological imperatives, the highest degree of organization of which is the system of human senses and meaning. The essential distinction between meaning and sense is that the first contains strategic ways of human existence in its spiritual self-expression, and the latter is mediated by a sensual, experienced perception of the individual of reality, which is the basis for determining the tactical priorities of his lifeactivity. The senses and meanings of a person are formed under the influence of his values component and are manifested in an act as an essential focus of human existence. In full expression, an act is always a form of the spiritual development of a subject with a constant system of moral ideals, social aspirations, personified values and personal meanings.

Conclusions. The result of the interaction of human and the world is the finding of certain mental generalizations by the personality and the synthesized revealing of her life priorities on the way to the sensually enriched existence, the talent to perceive and fully experience the reality, to inspire the meaning with every moment, to perceive the fragment or whole event of one's being, to sate it with an individually unique content – to create yourself in accordance with personalized meaning-life orientive.


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