• N.L. Shelenkova
Keywords: adaptation, stress, coping-behavior, coping-strategy


The article is devoted to the study of a person’s coping-behavior features in the process of adaptation of the first year students. It is noted that the leading characteristic of the student as a subject of educational activity is its socio-psychological adaptability to the conditions of study. The process of the first year students’ adaption is extremely complex and multi-faceted, due to the interaction of psychological, social, biological factors, etc. As a result of empirical research, the main coping strategies (behaviors) have been identified, and an individual style of stress coping has been studied. Behavior to cope with stress is a special type of social behavior of a person that provides or destroys his or her health and well-being. It allows the subject to cope with stress or be able to function in severe life situations, aware of their own actions. The results of the research on the questionnaire “Methods of Coping-Behavior” by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman made it possible to determine that the first year students most of all show the following styles of stress coping as self-control and search for social support. It is stated that in the process of freshmen’ adaptation, an increased control over their actions, spontaneous reactions, inhibition of the emotions manifestation, conscious efforts to maintain self-control, increased attention to new information have been followed. They try to communicate with others as much as possible, they are too emotionally involved in the situation, feel the need for protection, security, compassion and acceptance. They also try to get support in society: moral and material. However, it is often the way the dependence of someone’s assessment or actions of others has been formed.

The results of the research on the methodology of diagnosing coping behavior in stress situations by E. Hayme allowed to determine that the first-year students often use non-adaptive behavioral coping strategy “retreat” and adaptive emotional coping strategy “optimism”. In the first case, this is a strategy to avoid a certain situation in order to keep its borders intact and to create a security environment that is especially relevant during the adaptation process. In the second case – students are characterized by confidence in the availability of a way out in any, even the most difficult situation


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