Keywords: identity, identity crisis, identification, history of psychology


The article is devoted to the consideration of the main theoretical approaches to the definition of the peculiarities of the concept of “identity crisis” in the interpretations of domestic and foreign psychologists.

Purpose. Consider the evolution of the concept of “identity crisis” in the approaches of domestic and foreign psychology.

Methods. To solve the set tasks, the following set of theoretical research methods was used: study and analysis of psychological literature on the topic of research, generalization and systematization of the material, which made it possible to characterize the main aspects and directions in which scientific research is being conducted. A scientific article is a generalized systematic study.

Results. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the development of the concept of “personality identity crisis” in psychology, shows its features and the degree of impact on the life of a modern person. The views on the phenomena of “identity” and “identity crisis” in domestic and foreign psychology are revealed.

Conclusions. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made: modern ideas about the identity crisis are based on the theoretical concepts of E. Erickson, E. Fromm, J. Mead, K. Gergen, G. Allport, L. I. Antsiferova, Yu. G. Ovchinnikova, etc. The scientific works of researchers allow us to consider the process of the identity crisis and its impact on the dynamics of life processes, however, they are insufficient for understanding the tendencies of individual development of a person in an inextricable connection with modern social and social phenomena. This is due to the fact that in the context of globalization and the complication of social and economic processes, the requirements for a person are increasing every day. So, at present, for successful professional development and maintaining a high quality of life, a person often needs to fulfill several roles at once, acquire several social identities. In this regard, the identity crisis takes on new forms and requires the search for additional theoretical and practical ideas to comprehend and conceptualize the existing problem field.


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