The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the importance and effectiveness of the psychological support of the formation of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, taking into account the state of formation of the general level of emotional intelligence. The purpose of the study was provided by a step-by-step solution of the main tasks: stating the initial state of formation of emotional intelligence in adolescents with intellectual disabilities; characteristics and descriptions of the essence of providing comprehensive psychological support and psychological assistance in the process of forming the emotional intelligence of adolescents; checking the effectiveness of psychological support for the formation of emotional intelligence of the studied adolescents.
Methods. To solve the tasks and ensure the reliability of the provisions and conclusions, the method of psychodiagnostics (the method of “Emotional Intelligence” by N. Hall), conversations were used; a control and experimental group was created. The control group provided only for the procedure of psychodiagnostics. The experimental group, in addition to psychodiagnostic procedures, underwent a number of psychological practices.
Results. The study found a low level of emotional intelligence, emotional awareness, empathy, selfmanagement and an average level of ability to recognize other people’s emotions. Emotional intelligence was determined by a low level of formation, but in the course of research and psychological impact established qualitative and quantitative dynamics of its indicators, including empathy, and an increase in the overall level of emotional intelligence.
Conclusions. The program of psychological support which is realized in two directions ‒ the basic and additional is developed. The main direction is a direct impact on the personality of a teenager with intellectual disabilities, an additional one is the impact on the studied adolescents through his immediate environment, through family, teachers.
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