Keywords: adaptation of the questionnaire, results of psychotherapy, symptoms of distress, interpersonal relationships, social roles, validity, reliability


Purpose. Effective psychotherapy should improve the lives of clients. However, in Ukrainian clinical practice and research there is a lack of valid instruments to assess effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. At the same time, therapists are interested in easily administered tools that can assess client’s psychological functioning as full as possible and over short periods of time. This publication presents the results of a crosscultural adaptation of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) in the Ukrainian population. OQ-45.2 is a selfadministered questionnaire, which allows to measure clients’ functioning in three domains central to mental health: symptom of distress, interpersonal relations and social role performance. The translation of OQ-45.2 into Ukrainian was made in 2012. The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability (internal consistency and test-retest), construct validity, criterion equivalence, sensitivity and specificity of the questionnaire.

Methods. Data were collected from the general population (students and adults) (N = 514) and among at-risk groups of developing mental problems (sex workers, alcohol and drug addicted people on rehabilitation and probationers) (n= 114).

Results. Results show that scales of the Ukrainian OQ-45.2 demonstrate good internal consistency and testretest reliability for three weeks period. There are also evidence of good construct validity, OQ-45.2 significantly correlated with thequestionnaires, which evaluate psychopathological symptoms (GAD-7, PHQ-9, SCL-90-R), quality of life (SF-36), interpersonal relations (Rogers-Diamond’s questionnaire, the Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale) and psychological flexibility (AAQ-II).It was also detected that questionnaire is sensitive to the differentiation of the individuals from normative and at-risk groups of developing mental problems.

Conclusions. Ukrainian OQ-45.2 demonstrates psychometric properties of reliability and validity and can be recommended as a tool for clinical work and research. However, it needs further psychometric evaluation especially on clinical and psychotherapy clients’ samples.


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