Keywords: cognitive-behavioral therapy, anxiety, schizophrenia, endogenous illness, comorbid


The article considers modern state of knowledge about the comorbidity of anxiety in schizophrenia, its epidemiology, etiology and management of comorbid anxiety through introduction of psychotherapeutic interventions using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) methods.

The purpose of this paper is a system review of existing research in this area to summarize what is known and to derive directions for further research that can help solve the problem of implementing CBT for anxiety conditions in the clinical presentation of endogenous mental illnesses.

The methods of research are represented by comparison and correlation of existing historical and modern data that regard the problem of interaction of endogenous psychoses and psychogenic mental disorders and analysis of modern therapeutic measures for their treatment, which became the theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

Results. Anxiety has been found to be very common in patients with schizophrenia and can affect the clinical picture and prognosis of the underlying condition at various stages. It is emphasized that the difficulty of identifying the symptoms of anxiety, insufficient attention to their diagnosis and treatment leads to complications of the underlying condition, reduced quality of life and subsequent incapacitation of patients with schizophrenia.

The results of controlled trials show that the effectiveness of CBT is superior to other psychotherapeutic methods for anxiety treatment. Analyzing the data of studies on the effectiveness of CBT of anxiety in patients with schizophrenia, the feasibility of implementing structured short-term therapeutic programs appears obvious.

Conclusions. The performed analysis allows us to conclude that it is important to address the issue of the feasibility of a comprehensive assessment of anxiety conditions and psychotherapeutic measures for their treatment in patients with schizophrenic spectrum.

Among the issues that need further filling, structuring and personalization of psychotherapy programs, work with certain types of productive and negative symptoms, the use of awareness-based cognitive therapy, the introduction of short-term protocols.


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