Keywords: suicide, suicidal tendencies, perfectionism, normal perfectionism, pathological perfectionism, youth


The purpose of the article was to empirically study the characteristics of suicidal tendencies in young people with various manifestations of perfectionism.

Methods. The paper uses general scientific theoretical methods; empirical methods; statistical methods (descriptive and mathematical statistics). As a psychodiagnostic tool, we used a short diagnostic test of perfectionism by A. Zolotareva; a method for determining the propensity to suicidal behavior by M. Gorskaya; a method for detecting the propensity to suicidal reactions (SR-45) P. Yunatskevich; a questionnaire of suicidal risk in the modified by T. Razuvaeva and method for determining suicidal orientation.

Results. The article highlights the concept of suicide and propensity to this phenomenon. It is noted that the problem of suicide is one of the most acute social problems of our time, which is widespread among young people. The factors that encourage a person to commit suicide are analyzed. It is established that the propensity to suicide depends from the characteristics of the social situation of personal development, certain individual psychological characteristics. The paper considers the phenomenon of perfectionism as one of the factors of a person’s propensity to suicide. The features of normal and pathological perfectionism are analyzed. The study found that subjects with pathological perfectionism in comparison with subjects with normal perfectionism are more likely to manifest depression, affective states, have a high level of anxiety, frustration, and rigidity. Most of them are not able to make plans for the future, they fixate only on failures, they have a break in cultural barriers, maximalism, which becomes the basis for a high level of suicidal tendencies. Subjects with a normal manifestation of perfectionism are less likely to be depressed, neurotic, have average and low levels of anxiety, low levels of frustration and rigidity. They have a pronounced antisuicidal factor.

Conclusions. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the manifestation of pathological perfectionism is one of the factors that causes a tendency to suicide at a young age.


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