Keywords: V. I. Vernadsky, I. I. Mechnykov, K. D. Ushynsky, outstanding scientists, creative abilities, formation of a creative personality


The article reveals the main factors that influenced the development of outstanding scientists’ creative abilities.

Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to study the influence of family values on the development of the creative abilities of V. I. Vernadsky, I. I. Mechnykov, K. D. Ushynsky during the period of their growth.

Methods. Theoretical and biographical methods have been applied in the work. The prerequisites for the formation and conditions for the development of the outstanding scientists’ talent have been analyzed. The research focus is on microfactors and the family environment of future scientists. Family values which influenced the formation of V. I. Vernadsky, I. I. Mechnykov and K. D. Ushynsky have been considered.

Results. The connection between family values and the formation of the scientists’ personalities has been traced. It was found that a special factor that influenced the development of creative abilities of K. D. Ushynsky, I. I. Mechnykov and V. I. Vernadsky was the opportunity to freely choose their development path. The article defines the basic principles of upbringing which influenced the formation of the scientists’ abilities. They included respect for an educatee, faith in his creative powers, desire to preserve a child’s individuality and develop abilities given to him or her by nature. That is, the formation of the creative individuality of scientists took place in the context of the early targeted development of sensory abilities and mental processes which are the basis for the development of creative activity.

Conclusions. Thus, the family environment has a dramatic impact in the early stages of a future scientist’s personality development. The analysis of the family influence on the growth of K. D. Ushynsky, I. I. Mechnykov, V. I. Vernadsky convinces that the process of formation of a creative personality in the family is unique and multivariate. The conditions and methods of education and development depend on a child’s individuality, the specifics of the family, its capabilities and cultural potential, while the development of children’s creative abilities is possible not only in specific conditions favorable to their development but also in a liberal environment where upbringing was chaotic in nature.


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