Keywords: emotional resilience, determinants, self-control, behavioural strategies, unfavourable situations


The objective of the article is to define and substantiate potential influence of self-control on the development of emotional resilience in social-psychological assistance of individuals who are dealing with the consequences of traumatic events. Research methods: theoretical analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization, modelling.

Results. Emotional resilience, as ability to regulation of emotional states and expressions of emotions, is a condition of successful social interaction. At the same time, possibilities of development of emotional resilience in the process of social-psychological assistance are very limited. Hence, arises the task of search of mechanisms of indirect impact on the process. Social-psychological determinants of emotional resilience (emotional stability, peculiarities of self-attitude and goal setting, reflexive experience) have been defined. Potential of self-control as a factor of development of emotional resilience has been outlined. It has been shown that self-control, as a behavioural strategy (model, specific way of reacting, etc.), guarantees effectiveness of solving all life situations. However, the role of self-control is determinative only in emotionally unfavourable situations.

The article presents a list of such situations, describes signs and emotional reactions typical for each of those. Functions of self-control in emotionally unfavourable situations of social interaction (regulatory, protective, compensatory, controlling) have been defined.

Conclusion. Self-control in all its manifestations (as coping, as protection, as special type of social behaviour, as self-controlling intellect) can be an instrument of development of emotional resilience. The broader spectrum of self-control strategies an individual has in his or her active use, the better he or she controls emotional states and manifestations. Perspective of further research is seen in the development and introduction of models of assistance oriented at individual styles of self-regulation of emotional manifestations in the process of interaction with environment. It is also important to highlight diagnostic markers of the ability of an individual to emotional self-regulation and evaluation of situation.


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