Keywords: psychological readiness, student youth, educational innovations, educational reform, partnership


Purpose. The aim of the study is to analyze the psychological readiness of students of pedagogical specialties to implement educational innovations in a sample of 129 people – Ukrainian students (67 women and 62 men) aged 19 to 23 years, receiving their first higher education. The sample is collected from three Ukrainian universities: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, National Linguistic University, Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University.

Methods. The empirical study used an author’s questionnaire aimed at examining subjective attitudes to reform in general secondary education. The questionnaire consists of 27 questions, including 17 open questions, 2 closed questions and 8 half-closed questions, which is a combination of open and closed questions.

Results. The vast majority of students of pedagogical specialties expressed a desire to take an active part in the implementation of reform in the field of general secondary education. Most students of pedagogical specialties have a desire to learn more about reform in the sphere of general secondary education. Due to the implementation of the reform in the field of general secondary education, a significant percentage of students of pedagogical specialties are dominated by positive emotions. The vast majority of students of pedagogical specialties believe that they cannot influence the process of implementing educational innovations in Ukraine.

Conclusions. Psychological readiness of student youth to implement educational innovations should be defined as an integrative structure that combines the manifestation of individual, personal, subjective characteristics in their entirety, the presence of functional and personal readiness to implement educational innovations, due to the presence of a certain psychological attitude to achieve the expected result, dominant motives and orientations. In the structure of psychological readiness of student youth for the introduction of educational innovations it is advisable to distinguish the following components: emotional-motivational, cognitive-target, orientation, activity-operational, moral, communicative, volitional, mobilization, evaluation-effective.


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