• Yaroslava Mykolaivna Buherko
Keywords: technology of diagnostic examination, developing psychodiagnostics, problem-situational techniques, personal growth, educational process, civic responsibility, reflection


In the article the organizational and technological features are considered of the developmental and diagnos­tic activity realization. It is shown that developmental diagnostics is an innovative direction of creation of the methods of recognition the personal or group individual psychological features and at the same time it is also the diagnostic examination technology.

The purpose of the article is to base the technologies of effective using of the problematic situational methods to diagnose persons of juvenile age. The A.Karpov-V.Ponomarova questionnaire for definition of an individual reflexivity degree and the A.Furman-O.Furman developing technique “How responsible are you as a personality” are the part of research methods diagnostic complex.

Results of the research showed existing interdependence between the reflexivity indicators and the level of the diagnostic participant civic responsibility. The developed and empirically tested cyclically-functional organi­zational and technological scheme of realization of the developmental-diagnostic activity breaks away the action mechanism of the developmental diagnostic process in which the client is not a passive object of the psychologist influence but active subject of himself cognitive-search activity.

The analysis of the given results showed the low level of the civil responsibility in 26,65% and low reflexivity in 33,3% of the surveyed students. It creates difficulties for them to comprehend themselves and their place in so­cio-cultural context as well as indicates the lack of internal criteria for productive solving the problematic conflict situation and thus reduces the prospects of self-development. Under the conditions of developing (problematic situational) acting due to the stimulation of the reflection mechanism the actualization take place of the “I subject” semantic structures, past life experience, present knowledge, moral values and invariant meanings.

Results of the research showed that emotional examination and solving the proposed problems not only devel­op the participant cognitive-value activity and independence but also stimulate their self-reflexivity, make possi­ble the “dialogue” with their inner world, and harmonizes the development of the retrospective form of reflexivity which is the most least pronounced one.

Conclusion: researched complementarity of the diagnostic possibility and psycho-developmental effect of using problematic situational method of the individual psychological personal features recognition points out the expediency of the using the proposed technology in the educational process of the modern institution of higher education.


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