Keywords: current needs, informal subculture, personality, adolescence, adulthood


Purpose. The article presents the results of a study of the current needs of the individual who is influenced by the culture of informal groups. The results of the study allow to expand the information base on the peculiarities of the influence of two socio-cultural factors (traditional and informal cultures) on the required sphere of personality. The purpose of this study was to identify the specific needs of the individual who is an active participant in the informal subculture. The method of studying was the method of diagnosing the actual needs of the individual by O. Kaptsov. Two groups of respondents were created using randomization procedures, each of them consisted of 160 representatives of various informal groups and 160 ordinary people: males and females, adults and adolescents in equal numbers.

Results. It is given the analysis on the level of satisfaction of needs, their integral levels (psychophysiological, working, higher) and activity (application, communication, cognition, recreation, management). According to the average values of indicators of needs satisfaction of the informal subculture representatives and ordinary citizens, it was found that the level of satisfaction of their needs is within the limits of satisfaction and partial satisfaction. The modal frequency of group choice according to which ordinary citizens consider their needs less satisfied (partially satisfied and unsatisfied) compared to members of the subcultural community is determined.

Conclusions. Thus, the subjective feelings of the informal subculture present a greater degree of satisfaction of their own needs, compared to members of traditional culture (ordinary citizens). The hierarchical structure of the needs of the respondents of both study groups is presented. Gender differentiation of current needs in adulthood and adolescence is revealed. The actual needs of young men are more satisfied than those of adults. With age there was a substitution of some needs for others in females. There were established a negative age dynamics of actual needs satisfaction of male persons and positive – female.


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