Keywords: psychological health, cognitive component, emotional component, behavioral component, value and motivational component, psychological and pedagogical support, students


Рurpose of the article is to ground and present the model of protecting of students’ psychological health in Ukraine.

Setting: five universities in Ukraine. Participants: 498 students at years 1‒5 (81,9% female, 18,1% male). Psychological health is considered to be the dynamic integrative system which provides cohesiveness of personality, one’s active lifestyle, effective interaction to environment and self-realization.

Methods. theoretical analysis, complex of methods to explore the indicators of psychological health, Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient via the SPSS computer program, version 22.0, modeling and data interpretation. In the article structural components of students’ psychological health are determined.

Results. The article reveals the results of the correlation analysis showing connections among all the structural components of students’ psychological health (PH): cognitive, emotional, behavioral, value and motivational. In this way authors present an argument for making the model of protecting of students’ psychological health at higher educational institutions.

The model includes four sections according to the components of students’ psychological health. Cognitive component includes informing students about PH, with an emphasis on self-understanding and positive selfattitude support. Emotional component is aimed at understanding one’s emotions, emotional experience of other people, it makes one be able to manage emotional states as well as extend social and emotional experience. Value and motivational component is connected to expanding one’s sense of life orientations, to development of goal-setting skills, and ability to take responsibility for one’s own acts, choices, strategies of life. Behavioral component focuses on developing one’s flexibility, adaptability and tolerance to stress.

Conclusions. The model of protecting of students’ psychological health can be useful for students, tutors, administration at higher educational institutions as well as for healthcare professionals and agencies in Ukraine. Psychological and pedagogical support of university students is described as an integrative part of the model. The directions of complex program on protecting and supporting of students’ psychological health are presented.


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