Keywords: will, structural-functional model, volitional regulation, volitional process, difficulties and obstacles, types


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to build a generalized structural and functional model of the volitional process and to implement on its basis a typological analysis of the volitional activity of the individual.

Methodology and methods. The research is based on the methodology of systemic and phenomenological approaches in psychology. Theoretical methods are applied: structural-functional analysis, typological analysis, concretization, comparison, generalization.

Results. The concept of “volitional process” in the system of theoretical concepts of psychology of the will is specified. The author’s understanding of the concept of volitional process is offered, the “self-subjectivity” of volitional process is emphasized. A debatable question was raised regarding the criterion of “external – internal” in the characterization of volitional actions, obstacles and difficulties. There are three classes of difficulties as necessary conditions for the inclusion of volitional regulation: 1) difficulties of motivational and moral-ethical nature; 2) organizational and competence difficulties; 3) difficulties of an energy nature.

Theoretical analysis of existing concepts of will in relation to the structure and functions of volitional regulation (process, action) is carried out. A generalized structural and functional model of the volitional process is constructed. The volitional process appears as an integrative formation that combines in different combinations and with different specific weight intellectual, operational-executive, emotional, motivational components with their distribution on a time scale.

Based on the model, a typological analysis of the course of the volitional process is made according to the following criteria: 1) the completeness of the representation of different parts of the volitional process; 2) the proportion of volitional effort. Selected types create a kind of continuum located between the two extreme lines-options. The left extreme corresponds to the will in the broadest sense of the word. The extreme right option is most loaded with volitional components, when in order to achieve the goal a person is forced to resort to volitional efforts and during the struggle of motives, and at the stage of organizing actions, and at the stage of direct execution.

Conclusions. The generalized structural-functional model of the volitional process can be considered as a theoretical basis for building a model of the volitional organization of the individual, as well as the study of its individual volitional qualities.


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