Keywords: hardiness, individual psychological features, quantitative analysis, personality, types of emotionality, qualitative analysis


Abstract. This article presents the results of an empirical research of the hardiness of people with different types of emotions. The purpose of the research is a theoretical and empirical study of the relationship between the psychological characteristics of hardiness and emotionality of personality. Definition of “hardiness” and “emotionality” are given.

Methods. A reliable and well-founded set of psychodiagnostic methods, adequate to the subject of research, was chosen. The “Hardness test” (S. Muddy, translation and adaptation) (D.O. Leontiev, O.I. Raskazova), and the “Four-modal test-questionnaire of emotionality” (O.P. Sannikova) are used. The use of correlation analysis was aimed at finding relationships between the studied indicators of hardiness: commitment, control, challenge, hardiness and indicators of emotionality: “joy’ (J), “anger” (A), “fear” (F), “sadness” (S). Qualitative analysis was performed using the method of “aces”, which included the grouping of the studied indicators of emotionality, and the method of “profiles”, which allowed to establish the characteristics of hardiness in people with different types of emotionality.

Results. The specifics of the relationship between hardiness and emotionality are studied. Correlation analysis has established the fact that there are positive and negative significant correlations between the indicators of hardiness and emotionality. There are 4 types of emotionality: one monomodal type – J-type (joy) and three polymodal – AS-type (anger–sadness), FS-type (fear–sadness), AFS-type (anger–fear–sadness). The individual-psychological characteristic of hardiness of the person depending on qualitative features of emotionality is made and described.

Conclusions. In general, it can be argued that each type of emotionality corresponds to certain features of hardiness. The presence of these relationships allowed us to study the features of hardiness in representatives of different types of emotionality.


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