Keywords: secure attachment, avoidant attachment, anxious ambivalent attachment, quality of the relationships, attachment representation


Purpose. The aim of the article is to compare the psychological features of romantic relationships between people with different attachment styles in two groups: adolescents and adults.

Methods. A theoretical analysis of the theory of attachment and an empirical study was made. The following methods were used in the study: Measure of Attachment Qualities (MAQ) C. Carver (adaptation of I. Semkiv); Fischer Codependency Scale (adapted by V. Moskalenko); The Relational Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ) (adapted by A. Magotska); the modified Leary Test (author’s modification).We used correlation and comparative statistical analysis.

Results. The comparative analysis has shown that the average level of secure attachment is slightly higher in middle-aged people, while the average level of avoidant attachment in middle-aged people is statistically significantly lower. The correlation analyze has shown that a secure attachment is associated with a high appreciation of relationships, the importance of those relationships, and a high self-esteem in those relationships. Adolescents with a secure attachment are characterized by a tendency to disobedience and excessive immersion in the relationship. Adults with secure attachment are more likely to give in to a partner and be friendly in relationships. An avoidant attachment, is related to dissatisfaction with relationship and oneself in that relationship. Young men’s avoidant attachment is associated with a low level of interest in their relationships. The respondents with an anxious-ambivalent attachment showed a high level of interdependence in relationships, they characterized by feelings of depression in relationships, anxiety and fear about the relationships and low self-esteem.

Conclusions. The findings of the study revealed the differences between the two groups in terms of middle level of attachment style. Attachments may slightly change from less to more secure. The study also identified certain psychological features of romantic relationships between people with different attachment styles in groups of adolescents and adults.


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