Keywords: performance anxiety, musicians, systematic review, causes, risk factors, social anxiety, theoretical models


Purpose. The paper is dedicated to the theoretical review of foreign articles on music performance anxiety. Due to the lack of systematic study of this phenomenon, the article aims to reveal its conceptual content, features of manifestation, and causes of occurrence as the foundation for further empirical research.

Methods. The study bases on theoretical methods such as collecting, structural analyzing, systematizing, and generalizing information, obtained from electronic databases (Embase, Google Scholar, PsycINFO, PubMed) and from a manual search of periodicals in the field of music psychology and music education.

Results. A systematic review of scientific sources reveals that performance anxiety is a central psychological problem among musicians, but information about it is limited and contradictory. The interpretations of this concept is ambiguous and the terminological consistency for further research is important.

The modern scientific vision of music performance anxiety is defined as a complicated multidimensional mental phenomenon consisted of a complex multidimensional physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components. The main risk factors are highlighted, which include adolescence, female gender, low self-esteem, high levels of trait anxiety and perfectionism. The peculiarities of the manifestation of music performance anxiety on the continuum from the adaptive reaction to the pathology of anxiety disorders are revealed.

Scientific views on the causes of music performance anxiety within various theoretical models in music education (A. LeBlanc; I. Papageorgi, S. Hallam & G. Welch), as well as in music and clinical psychology (G. Wilson, D. Kenny) are analyzed. The paper provides the systematization of the main structural elements of these concepts and their comparative analysis.

Conclusions. Identified psychological mechanisms of emergence and development of music performance anxiety are an important theoretical foundation for further empirical research of this problem in the Ukrainian musical environment, as well as the creation and implementation of a comprehensive program of prevention and psychological assistance.


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