Keywords: trans-theoretical approach, existential and systemic concept, mnemonic contexts, topological model, frame approach


Purpose. Еlucidation of the composition and procedural action of the psychological and pedagogical matrix of macrogenesis “worldview” of future counseling psychologists.

Methods. The procedure of theoretical and methodological research consisted of genetic modeling, system, structural-integrative and frame approaches.

Results. It is proved that the macrogenesis of the “worldview” is a system-forming vector of formation of the professional identity of the counseling psychologist, absorbing the constructs of the description of the professional world and semantic universals about it. The psychological and pedagogical goal of the macrogenesis of the “worldview” of future counseling psychologists is determined, which is to objectify the means and ways of unique subjective representation of objective reality, which is projected on the perception and understanding of the client. The topological model of the psychological-pedagogical matrix is a parallelepiped, the internal connection between the faces of which is organized by the threedimensional space with networks and nodes. On the lower (forms of models of learning situations) and upper (forms of updating the “worldview”) horizontal faces are respectively causal (initial) and consequential (derived) information clusters. On the four vertical faces are system-forming variants of forms of information representation, which are outlined by the multivariate ontological dominants (content, genesis, operations, action plans) of the transtheoretical existential-systemic concept.

Conclusions. The frame approach, on the basis of which the generalized model of psychological and pedagogical matrix is built, allows to include the fullest volume of real situations of the process of macrogenesis of “worldview”, which are considered in intrapsychic, interpsychic, existential and systemic perspective. The matrix is characterized by an unlimited resource to be adapted to a specific psychological and pedagogical situation by using individual scripts (scenarios) – mental representations of causally related actions, which are aimed at the main goal of macrogenesis “worldview” – to develop an open cognitive position about themselves, the world and the world. profession.


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