Keywords: factors of well-being, concept of the person, self-perception, values, autonomy


Purpose. The article is devoted to the research of the connections between a person's worldview and psychological well-being. The aim of the work is to identify the features of the interdependence of the main components of the worldview and components of the psychological well-being on the individual level.

Methods. The research had conducted through a written, in-person group survey method. In the course of the research, there were provided the following research methods: Self-actualization test (SAT); K. Riff’s psychological well-being scale. The results of the research were summarized and analyzed by using statistical processing methods.

Results. The conducted research made it possible to establish that the formation of components of psychological well-being is due to components of the worldview on the individual level. It was determined the dependence of the level of psychological well-being and its various components depending on ideas about human nature, values and self-perception of the individual.

The presence of a positive conception of a person in the structure of the worldview was determined by a favorable factor of psychological well-being, as well as the actualization of such components as selfacceptance, formation of environmental management competence, tendency to personal growth and establishing positive trust with others. The expression of self-perception and understanding of one’s own personality is positively interconnected with personal autonomy, self-acceptance as an important prerequisite for a high level of psychological well-being, personal growth. There is a positive relationship between personal values and components of psychological well-being (autonomy, personal growth and self-acceptance) and the overall level of psychological well-being.

Conclusions. It was concluded that the main components of the worldview of the individual sufficiently determine the psychological well-being, and the presence of positive perceptions of human nature, positive self-perception and values of the individual who seeks self-actualization, can be considered factors of psychological well-being.


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