Keywords: professional self-esteem, professional self-appraisal, personal aspect of self-esteem, psychometric evaluation, personal qualities, journalism


In today’s globalized and information society journalists influence on the public opinion and views of most people. For this reason, the study of journalists’ personal qualities comes to the foreground and becomes especially relevant. The main question is how individual-psychological traits affect the performance of professional activities and what personal qualities are necessary for journalists’ work. Today, foreign researchers focus mainly on the study of stress resistance and mental health of journalists, and domestic focus on the phenomena associated with the psychological traits of journalists, including professionally important qualities. Considering any professional activity through the prism of psychology, researchers usually touch upon the issue of professional self-concept, the central element of which is professional self-esteem. In particular, the structure of the latter consists of several aspects one of which is personal. This personal aspect shows what professionally important qualities a journalist needs. For studying this aspect of professional selfesteem, we offer own technique or semantic differential, which includes 26 qualities.

Purpose: to describe the procedure of psychometric evaluation of this technique (its validation, establishment of reliability and assignment of scales).

Methods. Several statistical methods were used to achieve this goal. The first is the calculation of the internal consistency’s coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha) and retest reliability’s coefficient (Spearman-Brown). Second, Student’s t-test for independent samples. Third, the method of factor analysis for assignment of scales.

Results. The technique for journalist’s professionally important qualities researching was statistically confirmed with high reliability and validity in a sample consisting of two groups (journalists and nonjournalists – students and representatives of other professions). The following scales were also identified in our technique: emotional stability, cognitive and practice-oriented qualities. This technique is recommended to be used in conjunction with other tools to identify a holistic picture of professional self-esteem.

Conclusions. The above-mentioned technique of researching journalists’ professionally important qualities is valid and reliable, so it can be used in research of journalists’ professional self-esteem or professionally important qualities.


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