Keywords: adolescence, disorders of mental development, emotional intelligence, affect, alexithymia


Purpose. The purpose of the publication is to reveal the essence and structure of emotional intelligence, its functions and peculiarities of formation at the stage of personality development with impaired mental development. The purpose of the study was to provide a step-by-step solution of the basic tasks: first, to state the state of formation of emotional intelligence by identifying the components and their levels of formation; second, to identify the main generalized factors for the development of emotional intelligence in adolescents with mental development.

Methods. General scientific and specific research methods were used to solve the outlined tasks and to ensure the validity of the provisions and conclusions. Among the main: theoretical: deductive (axiomatic and hypothetical-deductive) – for a systematic description of the phenomenon under study; inductive – for establishing patterns, systematization. Empirical: a method of psychodiagnosis that allowed to determine indicators, levels of emotional intelligence (Emotional Intellect (according to N. Hall)), conversations, observations. Psychodiagnostics were performed in accordance with the instructions, with the observance of the necessary requirements and the use of tools at special boarding schools and general schools in Kyiv.

Results. A low level of emotional intelligence, emotional awareness, empathy, managing one’s own emotions, and an average level of ability to recognize other people’s emotions were established. Assumptions have been made regarding the determination of low levels of emotional intelligence and its components in adolescents with mental development. Alexithymia is characterized as low ability to describe one’s own emotional state, insufficient differentiation of one’s own feelings and emotions, inability to verbalize one’s own emotional states, underdevelopment of the reflexive component of emotions. Comparison of results of psychodiagnosis of pupils of special boarding schools and general schools in Kyiv.

Conclusions. Emotional intelligence is a complex integrative personality trait that is manifested through understanding one’s own emotions, emotional experiences of others, provides management of emotional state, subordination of emotions to volitional efforts, promotes self-recognition, self-regulation and self-realization of personality. The condition and low levels of emotional intelligence formation in adolescents with mental development have been determined, which gives grounds for further scientific exploration, bringing psychodiagnostic measures with further development of effective psychological support of adolescents with mental development.


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